Introducing The Little Tigers

We are proud to add our new introductory class for preschoolers, “The Little Tigers”.

The Little Tigers Class is open to children ages 4-6 and is designed to help develop your child’s motor and social skills while teaching them healthy habits and introducing them to karate. Every week, the Little Tigers will get challenges from the “Bigger Tigers”. The Little Tigers will earn their stripes with each challenge that they complete. Once the Little Tigers have earned all their stripes, they can advance into the main class.

The class meets every Wednesday from 4:30p-5:15p.

Monthly cost is $75/child or included in our Family plan.


Starting August 2023 we will be moving to a 3 times a week schedule at West Lawn Park.

Children and Adult class will be held from 5:30p-7:00p on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Please take advantage of the new training schedule.


Training begins again!

We will begin karate training again this May with the first class being on Tuesday, May 3rd 2022. Classes will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:15p-7:45pm and are open to both adults and children ages 7+. Please contact us for more information.

Dojo soft reopening


To begin, my sincerest apologies for not updating the site or anyone for that matter during the COVID pandemic. No excuses. I shall do better.

With that being said I am reopening the dojo for training effective immediately. However, we have no physical training location so we will be training outside in my back yard.

This will be done barefoot, on grass. Instead of white dogis, we can switch to black and reserve our white dogis for events.

If you are interested in training again, please contact me via phone or email. I will have new waivers that will need to be filled out along with COVID procedures that must be followed.

All the best,

D Salas