There are a variety of costs involved with karate. Below are some but not all expenses that may be encountered.
Annual Dues
There is an annual fee of $100 due by the 20th of December of every year. These fees are collected for individual memberships to our parent organizations and cover our insurance policy. New students will pay for their first annual fee upon signing up or prior to their first belt exam.
Membership Dues
It is important that membership dues are paid on a timely manner in order for the dojo to operate successfully.
There are two options for you to choose from.
Option 1: Monthly rate
Monthly rate dues are a flat $110 for all ages per month. Payment is due by the 5th of every month. Payments made after the 5th are subject to a $25 late fee.
Option 2: Quarterly rate
Quarterly rates are a flat $300 per quarter per member. Payment is due by the 5th of the beginning of each quarter (January, April, July, October). Payments made after the 5th are subject to a $25 late fee.
Family pricing: $220/month or $600/quarter will cover one family’s training (immediate family only).
NEW Little Tigers pricing: $75/month
Dogi (Uniform)
Please note: While there is no contract and we are month to month, you are responsible for your monthly dues whether you train or not. Failure to pay your monthly dues will result in a cancellation of your membership and you will be required to pay the Sign Up Fee again or your past due balance, whichever is less. There are no refunds for cancellations after signing up.
The cost of the karate uniform, or, dogi, will vary depending on the quality of the uniform. Prices range from $25 to upwards of $300. Uniforms are available through us or you can purchase on your own.
Belt Exams
Colored belt exams are $70 and include the next belt and certificate should the student pass the exam. Exams are typically held 3-4 times per year at the JKA WF Central Headquarters in Aurora IL.
Other costs
Other costs that may be incurred depend on how passionate and involved you want to be in karate. There are additional karate seminars that are hosted across the country and globe. Airfare, lodging, food and the cost of the seminar should all be considered for these events.
There are also tournaments that we participate both locally and nationally in. For those interested in competing, a sparring kit will need to be purchased. These kits are around $150, depending on the sizes needed. Also, tournaments usually have an entrance fee of some kind.